Table Tennis & The Beatles w- Ella Wexler - Smartling


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It can be really easy to paint a particular group of people with a broad brush.

All engineers have a hard time with people.

All artists are cerebral and in their own heads all the time.

And while there may be a shred of truth to some of those assumptions, for the most part one can’t label an entire group of people in any certain way.

And over the course of the last 32 interviews with translators, we’ve certainly seen that reinforced.

Ella Wexler was a guest on the Move the World with Words podcast, and was kind enough to talk with us about a number of things very personal to her.

  • Why she carries a table tennis paddle with her when she travels.
  • Why her husband doesn’t play table tennis with her
  • Her love for the Beatles & poetry
  • Why she thinks communication is the most important thing on earth.
  • Why we all just need to listen more to one another

You can find out more about the passionate translators who Move the World With Words by subscribing to our podcast on Apple Podcasts, on Spotify, or here.

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