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The doctor’s office is a vulnerable place.

It’s like going to the car mechanic.

Nobody goes to the doctor because they enjoy going to the doctor. Typically, they go because something is wrong.

Now imagine you’ve got to go to the doctor and you don’t speak the language.

You’re scared, vulnerable, and something is wrong, but you can’t understand what the technician is saying or communicate what you’re feeling.

That’s where someone like Janna Davis comes in. She was a guest on the podcast recently and talked with us all about:

  • Her time living in Spain, and how the language just “clicked” for her
  • Why she’s devoted her career to medical translation
  • What Move the World with Words means to her

You can find out more about the passionate translators who Move the World With Words by subscribing to our podcast on Apple Podcasts, on Spotify, or here.

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