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We’ve come to the end of season 1 of the Move the World with Words podcast.

We’ve talked to dozens of translators, interpreters, and transcreators from all over the world, and all over the industry.

The bad news is, we’re taking a break for a bit.

Because this show takes time to produce, and we want to make sure we’re delivering the highest quality content possible.

The good news is, we’re coming back with another podcast in the meantime.

Welcome to The Loc Show.

A podcast all abou translation and localization. All in one podcast.

This is different, because it doesn’t feature translators. It features the customers, the localization managers, the product owners, and the marketers who are managing translation for amazing companies.

Like FItbit, Subway, & FedEx.

We appreciate every single person who has listened to Move the World with Words.

And we can’t wait to hang out with you on The Loc Show.

You can find out more about the passionate translators who Move the World With Words by subscribing to our podcast on Apple Podcasts, on Spotify, or here

Why wait to translate smarter?

Chat with someone on the Smartling team to see how we can help you get more out of your budget by delivering the highest quality translations, faster, and at significantly lower costs.